There are two big terms in the land of CBD, Full Spectrum and Broad Spectrum. While these might sound the same they are very different. Put simply, Full Spectrum CBD contains all of the compounds found naturally in the hemp plant, whereas Broad Spectrum CBD contains those same compounds with one exception: the THC has been completely removed.
Full spectrum CBD contains all of the compounds that are naturally occurring within the hemp plant. These include all cannabinoids, terpenes, essential oils and THC. The compounds extracted from the hemp plant work in harmony to maximize the benefits of each cannabinoid. This is commonly referred to as the “Entourage Effect”.
Broad Spectrum CBD is similar to Full Spectrum CBD with the main difference being the THC was completely removed during the extraction process. Broad Spectrum CBD offers similar benefits to Full Spectrum CBD and may be a suitable choice for individuals that can’t have any trace of THC in their system.
It has been a long-accepted notion that when it comes to herbal health remedies, the therapeutic value of an entire plant is far more than the sum of its parts. In the case of hemp, the “parts” are all of the cannabinoids and other compounds that are not strictly CBD, but act in unison to heighten CBD’s effectiveness and provide a more beneficial experience. This is known as the “entourage effect”, and it is the primary reason why so many CBD experts recommend Full Spectrum CBD, above all other alternatives, to get the most out of your CBD experience.
Although the many benefits of CBD are now well-established, there is still limited scientific evidence surrounding cannabinoids, their inter-dependencies, and how they work together to provide a more effective product. As the market for CBD continues to expand, more light will be shed in this arena, but for now it is safe to say that Full Spectrum CBD is the preferred method for getting the most out of your CBD experience.